5 Ways to Start Driving a Positive Safety Culture

Big Changes Start with Small Steps Your organisation’s safety culture is defined by the shared attitudes, beliefs and values that your people hold. In essence, it’s a measure of ‘the way things are done around here’ when it comes to workplace safety. And while many of us would expect our safety culture to be in […]
5 Things We Can Learn from Organisations with Mature Safety Cultures

When seeking to drive safety performance improvement, we often look to previous incidents to see how we can prevent them from reoccurring in the future. But while this is a necessary step in the right direction, if our focus is only based on avoiding mistakes, instead of also actively aspiring towards excellence, we risk a […]
New Sentis Study Uncovers the State of Safety Culture Across Industry

Only 14% of organisational sites operate from a positive safety culture, according to a new study of 73 sites across agriculture, construction, government, healthcare, manufacturing, mining, oil and gas and utilities. For organisations whose sites fall into the remaining 86%, operating from a negative or unhelpful safety culture carries an increased risk of serious incidents […]