Driving A Positive Safety Culture – A Look Behind The Curtain Of The Mining Safety Crisis

Over the last few decades, the mining industry has played an integral role in Australia’s economic growth. Especially during the period that we refer to as “The Mining Boom”, this expansive industry has helped bolster our economy and is fuelled by the collective efforts of frontline workers in mining sites across the country. But yet, […]
New Sentis Study Uncovers the State of Safety Culture Across Industry

Only 14% of organisational sites operate from a positive safety culture, according to a new study of 73 sites across agriculture, construction, government, healthcare, manufacturing, mining, oil and gas and utilities. For organisations whose sites fall into the remaining 86%, operating from a negative or unhelpful safety culture carries an increased risk of serious incidents […]
Driving a Positive Safety Culture – Sneak Peek and Waitlist Sign-up

“When you work unsafely, you get higher production and praise.” “If you report something then you have an issue, it’s a blame game.“ “They need to kill a few [people] before anything is done.” Investment in safety culture is crucial. If your people lack the intrinsic motivation to take responsibility for their own safety, the risk of incidents and […]