Genesis Energy [Case Study]

Feb 8, 2015

Client snapshot

  • New Zealand’s largest energy retailer
  • Electricity, natural gas, LPG, renewable energy
  • 1000+ employees


  • Minimise risk
  • Increase personal accountability for safety
  • Create and foster an injury-free workplace


  • 89% TRIFR reduction
  • 55% LTIFR reduction
  • 82% increase in safety observations

Sentis partnered with Genesis Energy to design and deliver a safety intervention that would empower the company to take control of safety outcomes on both an individual and organisational level.

Built around Sentis’ Zero Incident Process (ZIP), grounded in proven psychology and evidenced through our research and assessments, Sentis and Genesis Energy have worked together to implement an enduring safety culture change solution.

A state-owned enterprise, Genesis Energy represents New Zealand’s largest energy retailer and employs more than 1000 people locally. As a generator of electricity, Genesis has multiple production sites across the country. Genesis’ diverse operations across energy generation, trading, and retail required a flexible and customised approach to ensure program learnings connected across the entire organisation.


Over the course of a two-year engagement, Sentis conducted the following activities:

Site scoping activities were conducted to gain an understanding of the organsiational safety culture. This was coupled with a ZEROScale assessment to measure individual safety attitudes across the organisation. ZEROScale assessment results were compared against the industry average for Australia and New Zealand to provide a benchmark of performance.

A pilot program including 150 Genesis Energy employees was conducted to ensure the proposed solution would meet the client’s needs. Applied leader and team programs were also designed to address specific challenges highlighted during the pilot period, including conducting effective safety meetings and toolbox talks, and influencing others positively towards safety. Two-hour refresher workshops were also developed during the design phase. The ZIP training program was rolled out to all teams and leaders, with a focus on improving attitudes towards safety and safety procedures. Leaders attended an additional ZIP training module, providing an additional focus on developing effective safety leadership skills. Following the initial roll out, applied teams and leaders programs were implemented, as were refresher programs to assist with embedding of training concepts.

Ongoing coaching of leaders was conducted to assist in the application of the ZIP leaders program skills. A ‘Safe Days’ Board system was integrated into pre-shift meetings to assist in the embedding of program concepts and performance tracking of lead indicators. In addition to the results measured as part of this case study, Genesis Energy continues to monitor their lag indicators to track performance improvement.


Following the implementation of Sentis’ ZIP training program, Genesis Energy have seen a significant reduction in injury frequency including a 89% reduction in TRIFR and a 55% reduction in LTIFR. Genesis Energy have also seen a 82% increase in safety observations since engaging with Sentis.

Participant feedback has also been extremely positive:

  • 90% agree that ZIP training will increase their personal safety and their organisation’s safety
  • 94% indicate that they are eager to put what they have learned into practice
  • 98% would recommend the ZIP safety training program to others

“The one initiative that Genesis has rolled out in recent times where there has been universal embrace and positive experience and feedback across the organisation”.

Albert Brantley, Former CEO Genesis Energy

Interested to learn more about our approach and how we can help your business? Send us a message or call 1300 653 042.

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